





Doris and Hsin-Lei's Wedding
10.09.05 3:55

These are some pictures from my sister's wedding. Probably nobody will see them, but I like these pictures so much I'm just going to post them up anyway.


Doris and my mommy

Brenda, Doris and Me

Me, mommy, Doris, daddy and Brenda

Me, Brenda, Doris, Hsin-Lei, Hsin-Tine and Hsin-Pei

The bridesmaids: Jennifer, Rosemary, Lela, me, Doris, Brenda (weird face, haha), Jackie, Sonia and Hoda

Brenda, Doris and me

The setup on the table outside the church

Doris, Hsin-Lei and Pastor Jaemo during the ceremony

The getaway

Pictures taken at Hotel Derek before the reception:

The bridesmaids and the couple

The groomsmen and the couple

Explanation: these pictures were being taken by the professional photographer, and we took one with us holding Doris. When it was done, Hsin was like OKAY MY TURN and the photographer was like OKAY! Our expressions are so funny.

Me and Doris

They're still on their honeymoon in Greece right now. They left on Monday and they're island hopping for ten days.

I posted this in one of my other journals last week, so I'm copying it in here. I posted it on October 3, 2005:

My sister's wedding was this past weekend. I left on Thursday night and came back Sunday night.

On Thursday I went there and before Doris took me back to her condo, we went to her florist's house to pick up the red roses for the bridesmaids' bouquets and the white roses for the toss bouquet. When we got back home, I had to cut all the roses and put them into vases of water (about 150-200 roses). Doris and Brenda did some other stuff. We went to sleep.

The next morning we went to Sonia's parents' house. All of the bridesmaids were supposed to come but we were missing two. We had a little breakfast (mmm breakfast tacos are amazing) and then made our bridesmaid bouquets and the toss bouquet with the flowers from the day before. They all mostly ended up very nice. They were just red roses all bundled together to look kind of rounded at the top and then tied with thick light green ribbon. After that, we went to eat lunch at this "Chinese Bistro" called PF CHang's that was run by a bunch of white people and Mexicans. It was very fancy though and pretty good. After that we all went to get manicures and pedicures. That took a while but was very nice. That was the end of our "bridesmaids' day out" and we had to go to the church for the rehearsal. Hoda showed up at the church (she was a bridesmaid). We just practiced walking down the aisle (the order we had to walk in), the way we stood up there, what Doris and Hsin and the parents had to do, and then how we all walked out. We ran through it a few times and then it was off to the rehearsal dinner. My parents, Brenda and I went to my aunt's house first to set up the last bit of the decorations (there were Christmas lights draped all along the wooden fence and several sombreros hanging on the fence as well, some funky badmitten birdie looking lights around the drink tables, and the food, fajitas on a Mexican blanket table cloth). Brenda made margaritas, but because she was sick and couldn't taste very well, she made me taste them. She made them ridiculously strong (they were like 99% tequila) and she kept trying to dilute them. They ended up still being quite strong but whatever. People came, we ate, I gave my toast (it was about 30 seconds long but people laughed, it was short and sweet and right to the point, so whatever), I drank a margarita and my face turned strawberry red, Lela came because she had just flown in, we took pictures, sat around and then everybody left and we had to clean up. I went home with Doris and them to grab my stuff and then go to Hotel Derek (where the reception was and where my parents had a room).

I had to stay there because the next morning, me and my mom had hair appointments at 11am. I just ended getting an elegant low braided bun thing that looked nice and actually stayed, and my mom's hair was all teased up and then combed down to make her hair taller and fuller. Then me and my parents went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. At 1, we hustled back to the hotel to get ready. We were supposed to be at the church by 2 for pictures, but we as well as Doris and Brenda didn't leave the hotel until past 2. I rode with my parents and we ended up getting lost. After a lot of yelling, I called Doris and got directions. We got there at arouind 3. All of the setup stuff was done (I didn't get to do my ONE job of putting the letters on the pews, pffffft) so we went to the changing room to get last minute touches. Doris put some green orchids in my hair and in some of the other girls' hair as well. We took some bride and bridesmaids pictures, then we went back to the changing room to wait for 4pm, when the wedding would start. We ended up losing track of time and didn't start until about 4:10. We lined up outside the doors to the church, did our saunters in and then stood at the front waiting for Doris. Right when the doors opened again for her to come in, me and Brenda started bawling. She looked absolutely beautiful. The pastor gave his little message, my feet nearly died standing up there so long in those heels, they each wrote their own vows, then the pastor did the traditional vows, they did the lighting of the unity candle and giving flowers to the parents (I looked at Hsin and he was crying which made me and Brenda sob even more). They got married and we did our little walks out of the church. After Doris fixed her makeup a little, we did the "get away" in which they walked outside with all the people standing in a line to throw rose petals at them, got into Hsin's car which was decorated with the whole "Just Married" paint on the window, a huge white bow and white ribbon things on it, and they did a lap around and went back to the church for pictures. Pictures lasted forever (We did just about EVERY combination of people you can think of- and some you can't) and when they were finally done, me and Brenda both took of our shoes and walked around barefoot. We took down all the decorations and went to the hotel. Doris and Hsin had to first go take pictures and me and Brenda went to our room to fix our makeup and cool down a bit, then we went down to help setup and make sure everything was right for the reception.

There were a few problems but we fixed them all real easily. Guests were already outside and the open bar was open during all this, but we were all busy (except the bridesmaids that didn't help with anything). We had to take yet more pictures with Doris and Hsin, and by the time we were done, we had to make our bridal party entrance. We had to walk in with our respective groomsmen when they said our names. Of course nobody told the emcee how to pronounce my name even though I WAS pseudo-maid-of-honor. He said Ah-lie-sha. Whatever. We sat down, and food began being served. Brenda kept running off so I was talking to Rosemary and her boyfriend. The food was awesome. We had some lobster bisque soup thing, then a nice bloody steak, asparagus and mashed potatoes (I think they were made from sweet potatoes). At 9pm, the open bar re-opened and we all RAN to get in line, but right when we got there Doris was like BRENDA HELP ME CHANGE and was saying all this stuff about a tea ceremony that I had to go to. I didn't know what was going on so I just sat around until they came back. We had this weird tea ceremony with just family in this seperate room. Then we had to all go around to the tables and toast each one. I drank about half a glass of red wine. I sat down after half of the tables cos the rest were their personal friends. I went with Judy and Daniel, two of my cousins, to go get drinks. I got gin and cranberry juice and sat down, but then they were like THE BAR IS CLOSING GO GET YOUR DRINKS!! So we went back and I got a Bacardi and diet coke and a Corona. While in line, I saw Allen, one of the guys Doris' age at my old church in Houston. I hadn't seen him in about ten years. I don't even remember the last time I saw him, and he probably hasn't seen me since I was a little kid. He didn't recognize me at first and was just kind of staring around. I saw him and was like "Waiiiit... I know that guy... OH MY GOD!" and he was like "Oh my god you look just like Doris. You even SOUND like Doris!" So that was a ton of fun.

The cake was served and it tasted like carrot cake at first, but then there was coconut and stuff too. The icing was amazing. They did the whole bouquet toss and garter thing. That was all fun and games. We danced around a little bit, then all the adults and family friends all kind of left. I'm a little sad Allen left cos I wanted to talk to him a bit more, but oh well. It was just Doris and Hsin's friends, Brenda and her two closest friends and her boyfriend, Robert, and me left. We drank a bit more and danced and were crazy. They were playing a lot of 80s and we were all absolutely screaming the words. It was so much fun and it lasted until 1am when they kicked us out because they had to clean up. We went back to our rooms and me, Lela, Brenda and her friends were all jumping around on the beds and being stupid. Then I laid down across a bed and just passed out.

I woke up the next morning and was very confused as to how I got under the covers. After we all had showers and packed up everything, we left and went to Hsin's parents' house for brunch, then went to the airport. I got back last night at around 9pm.

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