





09.18.19 13:13

So two days ago, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. I've always thought I had it, but it's refreshing to finally have an official diagnosis. Now I can finally say that I'm really not as lazy as I appear to be. I WANT to be part of society and have a life. I WANT to do all of these things, and at first I thought it was just depression (still may be a little bit) that makes me want to withdraw from everything, but it's nice to know there's an actual reason I can pinpoint. So I started medication for it. Today is my second day taking it, and I feel okay. Yesterday I was WIRED. Today, I feel less wired, slightly sleepy still, but I'm also sick and my sinuses are so congested that it's probably skewing how I feel.

I'm hoping that between trying to be more disciplined and taking my medication that I will be able to get my schoolwork done more efficiently. I kept having to lay down for a nap while doing homework... so hopefully if I can cut that factor out, I will be able to be more productive. We shall see.

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