





To Lakeville and Back
07.06.04 18:58

Yes, kids, I managed to go to Boston and come back safely and without getting caught :) Yaaay for being a good sneak! The trip there was pretty nice... very stressful. I didn't know where to go or if I was going the right direction. First I had to walk to the train station nearest my house (which isn't really all that near) in the sweltering hot sun with a backpack, jacket and purse in my hands. Then I took that train into Central Philadelphia to the Market East Station which is inside this mall. I stopped by a Rita's Waterice in the mall and got a gelato to cool down a bit, then I went on to try to find the R1 train. Actually I was looking for a different line, but then I saw that you could take the R1 from that same station, so all the better, right? It took me forever to try to figure out how to buy a ticket though. The machines... well it took me a second to figure out how much the tickets cost. Then I had to look for my money. I then stuck it in there but it wouldn't even go in. It took me about 3 minutes to figure out that you needed to push the buttons first. When I finally got my ticket, I ran down to where it said "R1 track", but when I got there, there was NOBODY there. It was quite eerie. I waited about 5-10 minutes for the train to get there, but then I realised nobody was sitting in the back.. probably for a good reason. So I ran up along the edge to where I saw people boarding in the next boarding dock area and got on there. That train then brought me to the airport. However, on the way, the train lost power, so the conductor guy had to go outside and charge up the power again, and then we were on our way. Getting OFF the train however...I got off at the wrong terminal. The conductor guy said, "Terminals C and D!" but I thought he said C and E, so I got off there (yes, it did cross my mind that that didn't make sense..C and E...), saw the sign for Terminal D, and slapped my head. I walked to Terminal E and checked in and everything... and then I had to wait four hours until my departure because being the paranoid android I am, I gave myself six hours to get lost finding the airport. Didn't quite take me that long. Once the time came (after a LOT of reading and listening to music), we got to walk out to the plane like they do in the movies. Not walk through those little walkway tunnelish things; we walked outside onto the concrete and got to walk up those tiny stairs into the tiny plane. It was a pretty nice plane..small, but nice. The seats were all navy blue leather, very soft and nice. The plane ride was quite short. The attendant guy just gave us snacks, drinks and peppermints and then we were there. I was a little confused trying to find Sable and her mom and sister, but I did and then we drove to their house.

Sable REALLY wasn't kidding when she said there are only two sets of lights in her town. A lot of farms though! Her house was really cute and on a small road near the beach. It was very nice and nature-y and very quiet. Very relaxing. The first night we didn't do anything except stay up late watching Dirty Dancing and stuff. Her kitties were awesome. Her dog/cat/dolphin thing. That cat was madness. Just madness.

Second day we went to the beach in the morning and swam around a bit. Sable got sunburned badly.. she looked like a candy cane. My nose only got a little pink. There were some idiots at the beach flopping around on their gigantic mountain of tubes and ranting about how the *clams* were going to *cut* them. First of all, they were mussels, and second of all, they do not cut, they bite, and not even really that since they're usually closed up. Me and Sable planned to throw "clams" and rocks and mud at them... and tip over their tube... but we never did. Pity. Instead, we swam to the side and skipped mussels like good little mussel skippers. We built a mussel colony as well. Great fun. And then before we left, we built a Fatty. Yes, kids, a Fatty. Fatty sandman style. He even had a tiny brain, hair and eyes! But then someone decapitated him. Poor Fatty. After that, we went home, rinsed off, had some fruit for lunch, and then went shopping for hours. We played with little puppies (insane maltese and later adorable pug) in the pet store and then went off and bought Sable some adorable new clothes. We also both got Sirius shirts from Hot Topic, matching ones for when we went to go watch HP3 the next day. After all that fun, we went back home for burgers for dinner and then me and Sable got bug-sprayed and went to go watch fireworks at the beach. Once those were over, we walked around and went to her backyard to swing on the swings and talk and stuff. We decided that was the perfect eerie setting for a murder movie. Needless to say we were quite paranoid back there... especially when Amber, Sable's little sister, kept running back there without even saying anything and all we saw was a shadow. After all that fun, we went back into the house and played LOTR Return of the King, their PS2 game. I was beautiful Legolas and Sable was stupid Aragorn. Harhar. We beat the first level and then killed the king of the dead... but then we kept dying after that. We tried all the way til 3am, but we gave up and went to bed.

Next morning we went to the beach again and this time Sable put on layers of sun block. I only put a bit on my face and a tiny bit on my shoulders and knees. Sable had bought a camera at the mall the day before, so we re-built our Fatty and took a picture of him. Twas great! Looked just like him. He later got smashed by little kids and stuff walking down the steps though. Sadness. I got a HUUUGE hole in my foot from stepping on... something. After we realised that we were getting even more pink than yesterday (I got sunburned on my shoulders a tiny bit... second time in my life I've ever been sunburned), we decided to go home. We didn't have time to rinse off, however, before we went to the movie theatre. We watched HP3, which was a great GREAT disappointment. Everyone said it was sooo much better than the first two... but now I'm starting to think the first two were better. This one was uber cheesy and not even... making sense. It wasn't in chronological order, they took out just about everything that was important, Cedric got struck by lightening!??! wtf!?!? Harry didn't get his firebolt until the end (and by the way that ending pose was NOT very flattering), WHERE in the book does it say students aren't allowed in the Three Broomsticks?!?!?!?! WHERE in the book are their JAMAICAN SHRUNKEN HEADS?!?! WTF THOSE THINGS WERE BLOODY CREEPY!! Good grief. The whole Knight Bus scene was creepy as anything. The Aunt Marge scene wasn't that funny. Even the very first scene pissed me off. He didn't use "lumos" to read his books, he used a FLASHLIGHT. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED TO USE MAGIC!! NOW WTF MATES WHY IS HE USING MAGIC?? Oh gosh that movie pissed me off. They need to find someone who's actually a FAN of the books to make the movies, not just someone looking to make money and put their own culture into it (stupid Jamaican shrunken heads). But anyways.... so after ranting a lot about that on the car ride home, me and Sable resumed our attempt to beat the LOTR game. Still couldn't beat that stupid level. We gave up and laid around for a while until dinner was ready. We ate chicken (well, I did), rice, mashed potatoes and corn. I couldn't eat the corn on the cob, though, cos of my braces, so Sable's mom cut the corn off of the cob with a knife, rofl! It was great. The corn came off in sheets *snort* After dinner, we went to the beach to watch fireworks again. After about an hour of shivering, we went back into the house. After getting ready for bed, we sat down and watched about 20 minutes of Finding Nemo, but we were both falling asleep, so we went to bed.

Monday morning, we had breakfast (cinnamon rolls), sat around for a bit and then got ready to leave. I packed my stuff up and we went to the airport. After sitting around waiting for a while, I had to leave cos my plane was going to leave soon. I hugged Sable and her mom, said goodbye, and then went to go through security and go to the gates. I got there maybe 2 minutes before they began to board. We sat on the plane for about 20-30 minutes, though, because our departure was delayed. The weather was a bit bad... raining and such. We finally took off and since the woman had made me check my backpack at the valet bag checking thing before boarding the plane, I didn't have my music or my books to occupy my time. That ride was a bit longer since I sat next to the most annoying guy. He kept sitting there yawning and sighing REALLY loud and then burping long drawn-out burps every five minutes. I wanted to slap him. We landed, though, and soon got off the plane. I went to the train and got on the R1 train once more back to the mall. I stopped in FYE and bought three cds (finally got my Dexter Freebish CD after... five months pfft, the Ride CD and the Jet CD. I wanted to get Jebediah as well, but didn't get around to that. I just now realised I should have gotten the newest Pedro the Lion CD as well...but oh well. I also stopped in Waldenbooks and bought a book Kim had recommended I read a while back. It's called To the Nines by Janet Evanovich (I think that's how it's spelled...) and it's about this girl Stephanie Plum. I also bought the first two books of The Wheel of Time. I'm going to go start... the Stephanie Plum book in a bit. I'll read Wheel of Time later :P Need to get the shorter stuff read first lol! And I also need to finish Seeds of Yesterday soon. Maybe I'll read that first then actually. Hmm. We'll see. After shopping a bit, I took the train back to my train station, then took the long walk home. Made it a few hours before my parents got home. Perfect, isn't it?

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